There are 7 Journal Items in 1 pages and your are on page number 1

Back online
Well, we are finally back online after being down for 2 months or so. I ended up uploading the entire site over dial up, which was quite a big task, and then I've had the fun of reconfiguring it all to get it working on the new (well, different) server. I noticed a couple of issues in firefox, which is becuase when i designed the site, firefox wasn't a mainstream browser at all. As you can see from the time of this news post, it is a bit late, so I've bodged the code as best i can, and it should work most of the time. Ideally the site needs redoing, as I never did get round to setting up the doorstop pages. I doubt it will get redone, as we have been out of the game for over 2 years now, and robot wars is as good as dead. Still, I may find time to get the site redone and fully working (if there isn't any broken links on here, i'll be very suprised), we'll see. Nelson and Gos are planning to continue work on Biothan, so when I find out whats going on, i'll get any new pics etc up here. Until then, I hope you enjoy the site, I'm sure noone comes on here, but having it online helps me sleep at night... I wish...
Posted by Luke on Sunday, October 31, 2004 at 00:56

The End?
Its been a fair while since anything was done with the site, or Biothan. Increasing pressures from school work and other commitments has prevented the team from doing much towards completing the new building work on Biothan. With 8 weeks of school left, I can't see much more being done, and once we have left, even less will get done, so, it looks like this is the end. Its been a fun 3 or 4 years, hard work, but it has had its rewards. Its sad to think this is it, but thats the way it is. Biothan is in a functional state, no weaponry, but will move once reassembled, so we might be able to attend some live events, but we can't promiss anything.

While we are here, the team would like to thank everyone who has offered support and advice over the years. It has been much appreciated, thank you. We have shown all the people who have doubted us that it was possible, and if they still don't believe us, they can look at all the pictures and video on the site.

Even though the project has come to an end, we'll leave the site online. The new design isn't that old, so I'm not about to throw it away. We'll be moving servers in September, so the site will be more reliable and none of the remote call procedure problems everytime you want to view a page. I say this is the end, who knows? Time will tell.
Posted by Luke on Tuesday, March 16, 2004 at 21:20

Not much has been done lately, robot or website. School has been fairly busy lately, which has left little time for it. There have been a few problems with the email account, so if you have been trying to contact us, we won't have recieved your email. I am looking into fixing it asap. Lets hope the new year brings more time to work on biothan.
Posted by Luke on Tuesday, December 16, 2003 at 09:34

New Pics
I have uploaded the pictures taken at Wicksteed Park last weekend. I think I have some more, so I'll add them when I get some time.

The "missing" ball bearings have been found. They were in a very safe and logical place which we discovered when having a tidying session. Nice to know they are safe...
Posted by Luke on Saturday, September 20, 2003 at 19:55

Wicksteed Park 2003
Attended Roaming Robots at Wicksteed Park today. A great day out, I must say. A shame that Biothan couldn't attend, as the 4 bearings which Biothan runs on have gone "missing". Still, Craig and Luke attended and took many photos. Not as many as we would've liked, as the memory cards on my camera were brimmed, but you'll get a good idea of what when on. We spend most of our time watching the battles, but also made sure we heckled at the wickie bear show and checked out the 5* food. The pics will be up when I have got rid of the rubbish (not many, of course) ones and resized the good ones. Then I have the fun of the captions... Check back here soon.
Posted by Luke on Sunday, September 14, 2003 at 21:10

Got some work to do...
Well, we have our work cut out if we are to be ready for Wicksteed Park. 2 days to rebuild and remake a number of components. We've done it before, I'm sure we'll do it again...
Posted by Luke on Wednesday, September 10, 2003 at 17:31

The New Site Is Here!!!
Well, here is the new site. Its taken a year to get done, and around 100 hours work. I have taken a couple of shortcuts in places, and I plan to do a proper job later. I have also used methods to prevent links getting mixed up and taking you to the wrong place, which happened a fair bit on the old site. Let us know what you think!!

As you may know, we have decided not to enter series 7. We do hope to attent the Southfield event which is at Wicksteed Park this year. Nelson has pointed out a few things we need to get sorted, but robot or no robot, we'll be there. We hope to see you all there!!
Posted by Luke on Thursday, July 31, 2003 at 17:32

© 2003. Site Design, Graphics, Layout, Ideas, And Content Belong To Luke Tebbutt And Craig Curchin. More Info